If you had 30 days to commit and focus on yourself, what would you envision your health to look and feel like?
Would you desire more energy, better sleep and weight loss? Would you desire to feel less inflamed, bloated and have better bowel movements? Would you love to have glowing skin, no sugar cravings and feel satisfied and satiated after you eat? Would you like to be in a better mood have and something more positive to focus on, think about and talk about?
You can have all of these things. Imagine in just 30 days, you can feel so much better than you do right now! That’s exciting!! How would that impact the other areas of your life?
I am offering the 30 Day Spring Eliminate & Illuminate Program one more time this season and it is starting May 1. I will coach you, guide you, teach you. It is FUN, inspiring and guaranteed to make you feel REALLY GOOD! This is your time, your chance to make a commitment.
Committing is often the hardest part. But why waffle on something that I promise will make you feel so much better? I wouldn’t be offering this program for the 5th year in a row and a second time this Spring if participants didn’t love the program, get results and feel fabulous. This program is not a diet, it is not about all or nothing, and it is not about restrictions. It is about teaching you how to use the most balancing foods for Spring, day by day, step by step, to get the cleansing, detoxing, renewing and reenergizing benefits we need right NOW!
You will never feel alone on this program as I am with you daily, coaching you through the Ate app where we get to share pictures of our meals and inspire each other – you and me! There is no judgement just encouragement and support every day. And if you veer off path from time to time, that’s okay. I do! We just get right back on path and keep going.
Group support is also part of this program. With a private Facebook group to support and share with one another, get new recipes, tips and encouragement from others who are doing the same thing as you, makes this a real community. And we meet once a week for a 30 minute zoom check in to acknowledge our successes, have discussion about topics that come up and set intentions for the coming week. Can't make it I'll record it! Accountability is essential for success. You will have so much accountability throughout the program, you can’t fail!
At the core of the program are my daily tips you receive by email. The tip is the focus for the day, but within that tip you get so much valuable information. Your nutritional knowledge will grow and you will feel more confident about what to eat, even after the program is over. By the end of the 30 days you will have a binder of tips, meal or snack ideas and recipes tha tyou can draw on and use for the entire Spring season, each year, or anytime you need a nutrition reset. There is so much value.
30 Days is all it takes to get you reignited, refocused and re-inspired with your nutrition. I am giving you the opportunity. The only thing standing in your way right now is you, your mindset. Don't fill yourself up with what ifs, excuses and doubts. If you want change, if you want a different result then you have to do something different. That something is a YES. Don’t waste more time and energy waffling or sitting on the fence, just commit! The rest will fall into place. I promise! I got you!
If you have any specific questions about the program, please reach out to me directly (587)436-2692. And, you can also share this with a friend, family member or colleague. Having someone you know to share this experience with can make it even more fun and successful and give you the encouragement you need to commit.
Seriously, what are you waiting for? How do you want to feel in just 30 days?
For all program details and registration.
Yours in health & vitality,